The mind is without a doubt, a complex and fascinating place, full of light, doors that open and close, secret passageways and hidden places. The mind is capable of doing surprising things and at times, when it is bored, it can pass the time creating irrational thoughts.
I like to think that ideas are always inside oneself and live kept in one’s head, resting and waiting for that stimulation that will let them know when it is time to leave the nest and enter this world. The interesting part comes when they are never provocted, when the mind is bored. They can seem like innocent day dreams, or a distraction, a change in scenary or a tirp to another world. However, when one mindlessly drifts off, the ideas do not escape. This is what is most frustrating. Impatience errupts, they yell at eachother and stop listening to one another. Many try to get out but through the wrong door. Anarchy opens way and the house is turned into chaos.
Only when the mind decides to end its game, will it turn on the lights, open all the doors, and with a great force, expel all escaped turmoil. It is then, when control will be taken back, and reasoning will be ceased.
Mauricio, Buenos Aires, 2008
Is unusual that I come back and work again on previous projects. However The House of Screams has a very special meaning for me. Was my first real attempt to tell a story with photographs. A few weeks ago I though it would be interesting replace the original 18 photographs from the series and make a slide show with some music. I love the result. Below is the original text I wrote in 2008, in spanish of course.
La Casa de los Gritos
El cerebro sin lugar a dudas es un lugar fascinante mente complejo, lleno de luz, puertas que se abren o cierran y pasajes secretos a lugares desconocidos. La mente es capaz de hacer cosas sorprendentes, y a veces cuando esta aburrida mata el tiempo tomándole el pelo y jugándole bromas a la razón.
Me gusta pensar que las ideas están desde siempre dentro de uno, que viven guardadas en la cabeza, descansando y esperando el estimulo correcto que les indica que es hora de dejar el nido y salir al mundo. La parte interesante empieza cuando los estímulos no vienen, cuando la mente se aburre. Puede al principio parecer un inocente sueño diurno, o tal vez una distracción. Un cambio de escenario o un viaje a otro mundo. Pero mientras uno divaga la verdad es que las ideas no salen. Y eso definitivamente las frustra, se impacientan rápidamente, empiezan a levantar la voz pronto dejan de escucharse entre ellas, muchas intentan salir por la puerta equivocada. La anarquía se abre paso y la casa se vuelve un caos.
Solo la mente cuando decide terminar su juego ordena apagar las luces, ordena abrir todas puertas y con un estruendoso sonido expulsa a todo anarquista suelto. Es ahí cuando retoma el control, y se lo cede a la razón.
Mauricio, Buenos Aires, 2008